Tag: social networks

Social Networks and Keeping Up

While I mildly dislike change, I tend to enjoy riding the world of fads, especially if they are promising to be sorta cool. My worst is the Social Networks. See the problem is all the friends I know are deep in the Social Networks networks (not a repeat error). Naturally, when they are trying these networks out, I am among the first people they hit up. And me, being the ‘sweep-the-woman-off-her-feet-with-cool’ woman, I hop on to the wagon(s).

Some I keep up with. Mainly because the hilarity, madness, coolness and the neat information that gets passed on there is like you can’t believe. Take twitter for example. I love twitter. Not as active as I used to be a couple of years ago but the stalking is so sweet I never feel the loss of reduced tweeting. Then there is Facebook. I have the most level headed friends on there, believe it or not. They do try to keep up with my lunacy but Facebook is an inbox of sorts. For passing on mail and hot gossip. Yes children. I get involved in the gossip thing.

Now, there are various other networks that I am in. I have not kept up with as much as I would like to. Like Google+. Last night, I accidentally clicked on the Google+ link and I was shocked that it was actually there! It just popped at my face!

It got me thinking, how did I get onto all these places? Surely, even for the experimenty me, this is rather wild! Take a look at what I mean:

  • Skype
  • Google+
  • Google Wave (How terrible of them to kill this one!)
  • 2 Twitter accounts
  • 2 Facebook accounts (ok technically one is a page)
  • LinkedIn (I can be professional too you know…)
  • 2 Gtalk accounts
  • Yahoo chat
  • 2 corporate e-mail accounts
  • Others. Yes, others. Tumblr is a social network, no?

Quit with the judging expressions and thoughts. I can feel you all the way from over here *points*. Don’t tell me you don’t have nearly as many as these! Also, mail is part of my social network, and your objections have been noted, thank you. It’s not that I’m letting the networks gather dust on purpose. It’s that I’m in so many of them, my scatter brain sometimes fails to keep up. And you are thinking, quit some! And I’m thinking, not on your life! This stuff makes good sense! At least it did at the point of joining. Plus I will always be among the first to experiment on online related stuff. My field, plus my friends, place me in a position of hoping on any new internet fad. I don’t quit stuff easily too.

Now, of the above, I can tell you for sure that I religiously keep up with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and obviously all e-mail accounts. See where my mornings go and why I have to compensate by working till midnight each day including Sundays and public holidays?

Wait, why did I start the Social Networking post? I forget. Maybe it’s because I still haven’t checked mail, and that, save for my morning cup of tea, is one thing I MUST do. Hold the thought. I’ll be right back.